The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 31st, 2008

@Folkert is Drupal niet wat overkill voor een ‘simpele’ portfolio?

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@Folkert Portfolio eh :) Visitekaart naar de klant met een greep uit mijn werk. Blog komt erbij, is dus secundair :)

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I love how some people can make a boring topic into a entertaining story :)

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Wondering what is going on…

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I should really clean up a bit…

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decided to get some fries after all

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‘Bite to eat’-time… Should get cracking…

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Thinking about my new site. HTML or Flash. Wordpress or dedicated? Internal blog, or seperated wordpress install for blogging?

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@otherMinimalism Het mag wel, maar als je buren niet akkoord gaan moet je je afrijbeurt staken ;)

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@alterIdealism Combination of Terminal shit and package installers. Took me while to get it working tho. Good luck

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@bramzo What’s so special about Adium? If you like WLM, emesene get’s very close to the features and addons.

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Allright! I’ve got Emesene running on OSX! Finally a decent MSN client for Mac!

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Whoa! It worked! How cool!

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Giving the emesene building another run…

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Just checked out RoR for a second. Copy pasted 1 line, and got a mini application running, to administer articles… 1 line… Amazing!

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