Lets get to bed… A movie will totally close down this evening… After I did the laundry tho :p
Uit de douche, in volledige nieuwstaat… Als je de blazen op mijn voeten niet meetelt.
Unbelievable how much things go through y’r head when not behind a computerscreen. Exhausted tho.
Out for that same run.
That was NOT cool.
Home, and I feel bad about today. My sister is getting herself in all kinds of trouble…
having fun with my brothers. They totally kick ass
Heading out to see mom, my lil brothers, and my sister :)
@Maikel @HoFa: I’ve seen that movie many times, and everytime I feel so bad, knowing that this movie is reality.
Watching ‘The Kingdom’… Makes you think…
Getting up, and having breakfast.
G’night world.