The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

June 18th, 2014

@anckaertR @angelovm The location is a logical thing: Eyes go from the top left of the screen to the content. They want you to glance at it

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@anckaertR @angelovm Size = logical. No need to show a bigass logo. People know who you are: You’re on their site!

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Am I missing something? Or does the Twitter JS SDK not have a ‘ready’ event for when twttr object is loaded?

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@angelovm Let’s look at the size of their logo on their website. Nike, Adidas, IBM, McDo, Apple, Samsung, Sony, etc.

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@angelovm If your brand can be represented by an icon, I’m afraid it isn’t even worth the effort of making it in the first place.

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“Make the logo more prominent. “
“Please add our logo there.”
“Make the logo bigger.”


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Well, that was one hell of a job! Finally done with this ‘minor’ update. Hoping to blog about this tomorrow.

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It just goes to show how much Wordpress stuff I’ve learned in the past few months. I should totally write about my findings.

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Just hacked a multi-portfolio feature into my personal blog. I didn’t need it. I just wanted to apply the hack I had in mind.

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