HA! I seem to have got my head around that mail thingy! I’m done! Time to finally check out Adobe AMP & TV :)
Doing the mail thing… Pretty busy these days… I don’t like email… Somebody invent something better already…
this day is awesome. Heading home for a break
@dietlev i will probably join you in a few weeks
Hoe belangrijk is een diploma? http://tinyurl.com/5veb3x
Wuk is da ier eiglijk met da verdomd weer in België?!
La Fille d’O op StuBru. Mijn dag kan niet meer stuk :)
off to bed
will go to bed after all…. Tomorrow will be a hard one for all of us…
Chatting on IRC, reading some stuff, thinking about what needs to be done next….
Did some racedriving with Yen in Nieuwpoort. I want that car!
in ostende, driving around
Going out with Yen
@wouter: they’re building an army :o
Een heel deel PIH’ers kwamen opeens op Twitter, en even opeens waren ze weer weg… A shame :)
Had dinner. Now waiting for yen…
Getting ready for dinner…
Reading some stuff in the blogosphere