Setting up a good PHP development environment… Will need it the following days…
@desaturated check DM ;)
@desaturated dat is idd het plan, maar door de beperkte HTML mogelijkheden in Flash is dat niet zo simpel als ik eerst dacht
Some people really don’t understand the concept of ‘making things easy’…
Aha! It SEEMS like we’re getting somewhere with Wordpress/Flash :)
back home from a short walk in kortrijk with @ikkekietje
Trying to get that wordpress plugin working …
@HoFa: wtf?
i can’t believe it! I was about to start working, and right then the internet dies on me!
Created a dope viewer in a matter of minutes yesterday… Did I already mention AS3 truly rocks? :)
Only 2 things that changed my life more than poetry: Sunset in Barcelona, and ActionScript3
@voltje: That’s the spirit!!!
Off to bed… WAY TOO LATE! :(
Reading my own writing, I realise I always knew… Goodnight.
Off to bed: playing some Trackmania while watching a movie. Nite nite.
Will chill a bit
@newmovieclip: you seem to have forgotten something :p
Had dinner, will get back at some work now :)
You crawl out of one hole, just to fall into another one…