Uploading pictures to Flickr
Enjoying my new nifty dashboard widget http://tinyurl.com/3e4f7a it works it works!!
The problem with the internet is: it get’s old… Pages disappear… But 404 shall stay forever…
@LadyElena: I charge 350€ an hour ;)
Reading forums, thinking about a first design for my new website…
@dustyroxx run! You might catch your last train :)
Out with Yen for a ride
eye’s cream!
http://www.ikDicht.be in een nieuw jasje :) Hope you like it :)
Updating ikDicht.be since i’ll have to keep it online anyway one more year… Might consider not taking it down after all…
Should be working on my Flash Site… Will go out instead… Weather is awesome…
die broodjesbar is meer toe dan open…
Off to get myself a sandwich
Still no breakfast :D
Waking up :) Weather looks good… Start of summer, take 3: Sound, cameras…. ACTION!!