internet is dead, but i finished my javascript anyway. Time for my bed. Nite nite.
internet died again… So tired of this…
Making some last changes to the JavaScript I’m working on
Totally back on track with javascript :)
discussing endless loops with @voltje
Inifinite JS loops… I has them…
Back on Javascript :) Somebody repair my DOM-skills already. kthxbai
Nabaztag site is going totally nuts… It’s showing me ’342’ new received messages, however not showing a thing when i want to see them…
Feel asleep on my bed…
on my trip home.
in the bar taking a break. Plenty of nostalgic moments… ^^
@wouter komt in orde!
had some kind of lunch. Waiting for @dustyroxx and steven to arrive now
in veurne. Heading to school
on the train to lichtervelde
@pieterwillaert: opendeurdag van mijn vroeger schooltje om er mijn oud-leerkrachten te zien
Getting ready to leave for Veurne to see my old teachers
/me fixed the internet problem! @HoFa if you need help for anything, give me a shout
internet at home seems broken again… Pfff…