Should be drawing my concept, instead of discussing how to save config files in moder applications
Should or should I not try to do what I have in mind…
Typo’s all over the place… Will have a break, and get some dinner
ow… apparently there is no @sergejespers, but there is a @sjespers… Twiiter really needs an edit button
@newmovieclip: aha! als @peterelst en @sergejespers volgend jaar les geven zal ik waarschijnlijk niet veel skippen :-)
@newmovieclip: De volgende pro aan het binnen halen om les te geven ja? :D
Making a complete backup of my blog :) I feel pretty unsafe after seeing all these hacked sites today…
I always thought Media Temple would be a respectable hosting company… I was wrong: http://outlawdesignblog….
@ikkekietje broke the green key!!
twittering from the PIHnk newscentre ^^
no more flyers… Need moah!!
op de campus, flyers van mctforum en devineforum uitdelen
Leaving for the PIH
Some people might not agree, but Kevin Mitnick sure is a hero.
Looking up some things about an old hacker.
WOW! Somebody tagged my poetry site on :o
Woke up to see there is no internet… Made it work after a few times… Pfff… Home networks like ours suck!