The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

April 16th, 2020

@Vie19812 I had the same from end of the year until Feb too. That cold can really grab a hold of you. Stay safe buddy. 💪 we’ll get there.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Vie19812

@SirWrender I remember when I had one. I remember wishing to exchange for a hard kick in the balls 😆 Kidney stones…

via Twitter for Android

@Vie19812 Considering what i saw last weekend? Yea. That chart is just getting started.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Vie19812

@wouterds NOICE! Welcome to the world of tax-evading, money-laundering and strippers. (At least what everybody will…

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I imagine this is exactly how customers will treated by restaurants once they are allowed to resume business. I thi…

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@Syr00p Ik weet nog dagge mij da ooit verweet in een vlog. Beste compliment ooit 😍 (1m45)

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@daddy_c0ld Lol, that might actually work, haha! 😂 Brilliant

via Twitter Web App in reply to daddy_c0ld

@daddy_c0ld You, Sir, are 100% correct. I am unfollowing some people but the problem with Twitter is that they show…

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It seems everyone in Belgium feels like we are moving closer to ending the lockdown…

10% of all confirmed cases…

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I follow just a few dutch-speaking/belgian people on twitter while all the rest is/speaks english. I notice a lot m…

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RT @tekkie: Glad to live in #Germany where the chancellor speaks common sense and manages to conceive the message in an understandable way.…

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I redid most of my office in the past couple of months and I’ve become super productive. Having a fun environment t…

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