Ouch… https://t.co/ZGoQSx4ULJ
Wow, Australia keeping it together! https://t.co/95Hh3XUs4E
@JimmyKane9 Hell yea, you should introduce me! Always introduce me to your FPV friends 😠I love the he both flies l… https://t.co/aWxtKcf09i
😂 Depressingly true… https://t.co/Et9S3h8K7R
With ‘dry spell’ I mean either
* I recorded a video but it sucked so I’ll have to start over
* I recorded a video b… https://t.co/mwsBcoyL5t
I just checked out the Artlist music library again. This time, I feel like I’m finding so much great music! Totally… https://t.co/fF7mVinLRx