@Bloodyspasm @1UPconf Who cares about the training wheels…? WHERE’S MY SWEATER! 😂

@thenerd_be @wouterds Who needs to pick when you can OWN THEM ALL!? pic.twitter.com/JJ9einwkYW
Tech in 1956: IBM Hard drive
Storage: 5MB hard drive
Weight: About a ton
Size: 5’ x 5’ x 6’
Price: $$$$$$
Tech in… https://t.co/rvEQaPJsb2
Holy shit! https://t.co/35KvaeU4a8
@DankLord1010 @1UPconf … and if it’s #FF7R: NOT YET. I haven’t even gotten around downloading it… 😂
@crldrx @garyvee I have the whole @garyvee book collection here. Not sure how he managed to pull that off. I usually dont buy books. 😅
@crldrx If I hadn’t read your name first, I would’ve thought that this was @garyvee replying 😂😂😂
@crldrx Well, that’s exactly the problem. I did quite a few projects for free by now because I just really enjoy th… https://t.co/LEsEv6Pbbr
So apparently my FPV drone business is taking off. And while that makes me really happy and I feel like I’m ready t… https://t.co/tvYYS6fCVU
Please, can somebody confirm that those images were not taken during a global pandemic when the term “social distan… https://t.co/D9auPIRQSK
@KarlaGeorge @PHortonF1 Who cares about those details in the bigger scheme of these companies helping about with an… https://t.co/Z8tqvMoOwD
RT @reesewaters: WHO FLEW WITH CRABS?! https://t.co/c0cux6Jyyi
This. https://t.co/C4yuWcEJEw
RT @eggyankee: I find it rly funny that Cloud has spent over 20 yrs either hailed as Coolest RPG protag or “idk that angsty anime game man”…
I remember being in love with making things but being really jealous of people who could build actual tech hardware… https://t.co/y8pC8b5rwM