Reading in my old blackbook/rhymebook… Only to find memories which were already lost…
5,2KM workout. Going for 35KM total in december.
And off we go!
@bramzo No. That reminds me: i should go for a run :)
Looking for music! Almost there…
Twitter is becoming a live TV-show review so to see…
Still messing around with the DisplacementMapFilter…
Had soms pasta. Having at stomach ache now…
Damnit, Adobe should really fix the Microphone <> SoundMixer problem… :(
I’ve got a crazy cool idea :D Let’s build that…. after lunch!
Man those were times… When we were still best friends… When you were there for me…. When we dreamt about ruling the world…
Note to self: Read the help files COMPLETELY when having issues like that!
@erwinverdonk Good luck with the certificiation!
Hotel 626… Web experience anno 2008:…
@erwinverdonk Nee hoor :) Er is nog een leven buiten FF ;)
Wat een pretentieus gedoe… Kga der sebiet mee stoppen als’t zo verder gaat… ‘t Is voor’t plezier, nie voor de stress…
Home and safe: Weekend!
hmz… extending the Array class, and referring to this[i] seems to be quite a bad idea… But I do want it to do like this… What now?
Wrting a tween-garbage-manager. I refuse to use Tweener.
so you can’t assign a name to a Tween… Well…
Man, I had a hard time understanding DisplacementMapFilters, but now that I understand, I wonder: WTF was so difficult about this???
Must’ve been my fastest rush so far :)
Stand aside! I understand DisplacementMapFilters!!
Had to port the tutorial from AS2 to AS3 myself, but at least I understand now :)
Learning the basics of displacement maps. Enough of the waiting. I wanna know how that works…