Okay, now I’ve though about it, the bug isn’t letting me go: Is there a way to get the complete length of a sound in flash immediately?
Not so stupid after all…
Somehow I feel stupid if this works…
I’m completely consumed by all the hassle of the last 3 days… I really need to chill out. And think.
Daarnet een opvallend positieve verandering op mijn bankrekening bemerkt. Nu lees ik in de metro dat er vorig weekend een bank gehacked werd
Hmz. That went faster than expected. Heading back home.
Almost there. I can’t be beaten today. Wondering if obrecht will recognize me
Train is moving fast and I’m a complete wreck. And I’m hungry!
Off to the train.
Cool. Traintrip tomorrow will be awesome chill! Off to bed now. G’night all!
Checking trains before heading to bed.
Almost forgot one of my most precious experiments in my presentation
Man, I love making presentations!
Creating my resumé in order to blow Obrecht away once more tomorrow. Pretty amazing what I did in less than a year!
Well. Playr 2.0 is online and released. Onto the next project! No rest for the wicked!
It’s official: Playr 2.0 is here! http://tinyurl.com/46cra4