The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

December 17th, 2008

Uploading the final parts of the Playr website. This can take a while. Will head out to get some dinner while waiting…

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OMFG! That wordpress theme designer is a complete idiot…

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@freshface @vilebody Give me an hour, and I’ll give you Playr ;)

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I’m pretty close to finishing the Playr site! Happy :)

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Uploading the demo files for playr. I should be working on other things though…

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Working my ass off to get the Playr site online

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Some ppl shouldn’t be allowed to build a wordpress theme. They make cool designs, but they don’t use the Wordpress framework at all…

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Already sent out the final version of Playr to 4 people who were waiting for it. Happy times!

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@desaturated @erwinverdonk I’ve heard some crazy stuff about the timer going crazy and not timing the correct interval.That’s why I’m asking

via Twitter Web Client in reply to grrtbrtr

Rewrite the fade methods in Playr 2.0. It’s completely finished now. I don’t like the timer class though… Can I trust the timer?

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@glamorous_be Als je student bent kun je het ook met een gratis studentenlicentie proberen. Is gelukt bij een maat van me dacht ik :)

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I think I reached new milestone in Flash Geekness: I’ve pinned my AS3 poster on top of a lingerie model:

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My Flex posters arrived! Looking for a place for the (giant!!) AS3 class diagram

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Can’t get to sleep… :(

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Firefox is running on 50% all the time… With 3 white pages open… This browser is starting to piss me off…

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