Looking for an image suiting the ‘demo’ button on the upcoming site. Found the perfect picture ^^ Couldn’t get any better!
Back to the site development.
PHPBB is en blijft een vieze boel…
Hurray! My first AIR app is running :D
App is kinda finished. Need to create a little icon now… Time for dinner :)
@glamorous_be En merci (als ge te rap wilt enteren eh :$ )
@glamorous_be Vakantiejob idd :)
Listening to a 90’s track. Man those were times…
Boulevart (finally) called me! Looking forward to meeting Obrecht again :)
@glamorous_be I develop it myself for 2 reasons: Learn AIR/SQLite + It should fit my needs ;) Webcam detection will be for tomorrow ;)
Lol, i got kicked of a COD4 server for setting my maxfps to 150 instead of 85… Awesome
@glamorous_be Lol no, I’m working on a little todo app for school (to keep track of my deadlines) ;)
Another deadline down! 4 days ahead! I’m on roll! Back to my AIR app development
@kriskras Happy B-day ouwe!
Home after a very productive lesson. Time for some lunch.
@erwinverdonk Awesome, thanks! Should’ve found this yesterday. Would’ve fixed lots of bugs in minutes. (Made a nasty work-around though)
Way too early in class…
@erwinverdonk Yea, I really should check out the creation policies in Flex. Looks pretty complicated.
Getting out of bed way too late
Off to bed now!
Hurray! Application is mostly finished. Will do some error correction tomorrow. This will be usefull :)
Great! Worked my way out of one hole to fall into another… Flex doesn’t know a textField in a viewstack when it hasn’t been shown yet.WTF?
… all goes well… So how to fix this?
ok, so the real error lies in the tabnavigator. When i ‘click’ it, the nativeWindow.startMove() gets confused. When i hold it for a second..
Hmz, I need to isolate the MouseDown event to the ‘main’ panel only. So the children can not be affected by this… How am I gonna do that??
Hmz, having a nasty bug when dragging the app… Very uncool…
My first little AIR app seems to be doing fine :) Now some error catching, and design details :) I like it!
@iamdesign Really? I really don’t like the search function though. I always end up on community sites instead of the help references…