The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

December 11th, 2008

@peterelst I looked into that right away during the event, and made it work directly. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for your help!

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@peterelst Your session totally rocked! Very intresting and straightforward. Works perfect for me. Good job :)

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@BFourneau What’s wrong with pink shirts? It’s kinda sexy :)

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@BFourneau You were there? Hey, are you guys afraid of me? Or do I have some kind of a weird smell? Should’ve come over! :)

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@glamorous_be Did I talk to you? You should’ve poked me or something, or at least talk to me :D

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Hmz, I was talking to you at : Ping me to tell me who you were, since I don’t remember your name on Twitter :p

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Hmz… @wouter is talking about pureMVC. According to him I will never have to use it, which is great news cause it looks like a lot of work

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LIstening to Jan van Coppenolle to talk about AMF.

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Live from AUG BELGIUM (we’ve got free wifi! Hurray!)

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Got here pretty much in time. Venue is packed

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Oh kijk! File! Raad eens wie te laat zal zijn op flex camp.

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Theme suggestions for the Playr site (Wordpress) are welcome :)

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Okay… Most of the stuff is online, everything is set for tomorrow. Only thing to do now is to build that site…

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Uploading all that is necessary for the Playr 2.0 pre-release (yea well, waiting for the site could take some more time…)

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