Still working on this tiny game questions thing. Almost done.
@byDust ROFL
Adding more questions!
Thinking about soundmixer and pixelbender…. I should look into C++ sometime…
Exploring facebook
Ok: out for dinner. Trying that for the 2nd time!
Keer op keer ben ik verbaasd van hoe snel simpele woorden mij zo uit mijn lood kunnen slaan…
Boeltje opruimen. Geen goesting meer om nog iets te doen.
Accepting my personal challenge. Rewrite this game in PV3D. GO!
@byDust Yes, you do.
@glamorous_be I primarly love it for enabling you to extend you work in a very easy way
Man I love OOP. It’s so easy!
‘Slip out the back before they know you were there… And at the worst you’ll see nobody cares…’
Vexxhost Reloaded: now with unlicensed CPanel! Good going guys…
Of mss juist wel…
Bah, echt geen manier om wakker te worden… Echt niet wat ik ‘ochtendroutine’ kan noemen…
80 questions! 20 more questions for tomorrow. I’m ahead of schedule again :)