@Dauntless Gmail. :p
RT @florindustries: misses being able to put creativity into #devine (Ã la Transformers)
Waiting for @lyntje to get here. I’m starving!!
@tekkie Quite right… However I don’t think they’ll be able to pull it off this time. They just can’t make the masses shut up this time :p
This is exactly what I want: The ability to print from my phone… #areYouKiddingMe
Listening to Steve reminds me a bit of myself a few years ago… http://bit.ly/4z7BBK
Great TED talk about How Apple does what they do: http://www.ted.com/talks… (or more importantly… Why.)
Being myself sure turns out to be a problem for a few people.Too bad I stopped caring a long time ago.Life’s too short to worry all the time
Very interesting (and objective) view on the ongoing Apple-Adobe dogfight: http://bit.ly/9yDxSf
@UnitZeroOne Great idea! Good luck!
I’m wondering: How many people could subscribe to a Red5 live stream before the VPS goes down? (512MB RAM)