This little bit of death was supposed to be cancer-free.
@Format_ Haha, yea, het Buda Eiland is wel erg exotisch eh! :) Vooral nu de zon even tussen de grijze wolken glipt :p
The small differences in the world…
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@CarlDieryckx geen idee eigelijk. Een uur geleden ofzo wast nog vrij zonnig. Nu ist precies apocalypse.
Is there a Noah in Kortrijk? Because if this rain continues like this, we will need an arc…
@joa There you go! Good luck!…
@tekkie Haha! Awesome :D Check it out with a decent device between 6PM and 6AM (not the other way around ;) )
@tekkie The only site I know that has closing hours is… ;) And I accept that one :p
People should realize that the internet is no analog to real life. There’s no sunday on the internet and no closing hours. We’re always live
That #eurovision thing is more annoying to my Twitter stream than #apple events… And now it’s even coming to the radio! Stop the madness!