The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

May 25th, 2010

@toStephen Mja, hij gaat het zelf wel zeggen tegen iedereen neem ik aan. Tis gewoon jammer, want kvond hem best getalenteerd.

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@peterelst Yea, 3 friends of mine (being second year students) decided to quit in the past few weeks…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to peterelst

It’s sad to see my fellow (talented) friends quit #devine, but (without too much effort) I can see why… Too bad…

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RT @W0utR: Arn’t you supposed to like things you do?

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Tonight is iphone webapp dev time… Actually looking forward to doing this…

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Truly awesome! RT @tekkie: LOL RT @reelfernandes: Flash on iPhone OS4!!…

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If today was the last day of my life, I wouldn’t be happy about how I spent it. And it’s been like that for weeks now.

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