The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 17th, 2013

I constantly marvel at the amount of people not wanting social networks to use your data to pay for the show. Would you pay for Facebook?

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Pages that stop loading before any of the content appears because of this…

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SanderDbe Frustration of the day (no day is a good day without frustration): image galleries with nav-arrows that move based on scaling of images.

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@beeple Would you be okay with me sending you an email with a few questions about your process? If so, which email address can I use? Thx

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@SanderDbe I discovered that feeling years ago and named it Twitter’s Law. ;)

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On another note: How the hell does @beeple manage to push out a cool 3D render every single day!? Follow him to see it for yourself.

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That was a long day, full of code and research. Dead tired. Happy as hell. Good night, world!

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