The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 22nd, 2013

So who of you is running Mavericks and using Adobe CC? Any troubles there?

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I think the only thing I’m exited about is the possible release of the new Mac Pro.

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Lol :) RT @TUAW: Now playing: The Wire by HAIM … but we hate wires!?

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Ignore this tweet if you totally love iOS7’s new design. If you have doubts, do read

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I’m guessing this is going to be pretty

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This popup is so getting on my nerves; it’s like the old notification balloon in Windows.


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@hannes_bhc Der zijn inderdaad mensen die denken dat het Mercedes hun idee was en jij hun loopjongen bent… Beetje jammer inderdaad.

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Are you in Kortrijk? Wanna have drinks and talk motion graphics? Massive! We’re having a meetup on nov 7, 8PM!

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