The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

September 2nd, 2014

It’s a great feeling when you look back on your work and wonder how you managed to build that stuff:Your approach is so much better nowadays

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Jannemans That thing where you finish writing an extension and at the same time the site breaks. Remove extension, still broken. WHAT?!

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RDGluck interesting counter-view on Robin Williams’ death:

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Most definitely since EVERYBODY is talking about it, posting tweets and pictures about it… Damn… Hype much? :/

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Trying so hard to not read any of these iPhone 6 rumors (I want to be surprised during the event)… But that’s harder than it seems…

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I always wonder why it asks me if I allow this? It did it already anyway. Could as well tell me to hit ESC to cancel.

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RT @fmanjoo: I’ve never heard anyone respond to financial hacking by saying, Just don’t use online banking. That’s what you get for using c…

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