The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 3rd, 2010

Yea, Inception most definitely lives up to the hype. For the lack of a better word: awesome

via Echofon

Having pre-movie dinner ( = mc Donalds) with @wirward, @philipdubois and @lyntje.

via Echofon

Cool! My blog got featured on Noupe Design Blog in a Showcase of fresh texture-based web designs! Thanks so much!

via Twitter for iPhone

This room is starting to look like mine again… Slowly.

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @joristimmerman:Me thinks that since Adobe ceased the development on the packager4iPhone it would be cool if they opensourced the project

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So much work to do today!

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If you’d see what I’m seeing right now, you’d declare me crazy for playing with my iPad. And you’d be totally right.

via Echofon