The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 29th, 2010

Ah, I love Red5 and realtime multi user application development. It’s such a magical thing.

via Echofon

Btw: I just wasted 3 hours figuring that one out…

via Twitter for iPhone

Well,don’t you EVER dare to use rtmp://hostname.local/App when trying to stream locally.Always use rtmp:// (Makes a difference)

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @MrBrightSky: @prplps I used to call my Remote Shared Object “Titanic” so I could say that Titanic was syncing… #geek

via Twitter for iPhone

@thomasheylen Da’s een refresh voor je Widget(als ge widgets aan’t bouwen zijt kunt ge ze op die manier refreshen om wijzigingen te zien;) )

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to thomasheylen

Should get some sleep. Tomorrow will be an interesting day.
Actually… *today* will be interesting.

via Twitter for iPhone

@abduzeedo try using a tool like camtwist. It simulates a webcam, but can show anything; be it an actual webcam or your desktop ;)

via Echofon in reply to abduzeedo

@thijswostyn kijk naar mijn tweet van derna. Had het antwoord vlak erna gevonden ;)

via Echofon in reply to thijswostyn