Sometimes I just want to copy someone else’s status, word for word, and see if they don’t notice.
I always figured there’s something special about that LED RT @wirward RT @hackernewsbot: Apple’s attention to detail…
Okay, so to create this ( I had to write this (… It physically hurts…
I’m not joking; it seems impossible to use text as a mask in Flex. It’s a 10-second job in Flash. How does this make sense?
@webdevotion Hm? This is not a button. Just a label, that needs a ‘gradient overlay’.
Is there a way to apply a mask to a label in Flex? (This but the other way around <label><mask><graphic> doesn’t work
Hm, I’m intrigued by the rolling shutter concept… Got a few interesting ideas now… Experimenting with this next week!
@svenpeeters Awel,tis door de herexamens da’t me begon op te vallen. Veel mensen met vragen. Echter heb ik geen tijd tot na de herexamens :(
I’ll be making a series of video tutorials on #red5. Tell me what topics not to forget/what you want to see!
Well, I feel horrible! Great! All jokes aside, I blame the Belgian weather. Couldn’t be any worse…
Got a pretty cool idea for the coming weeks! Blogging about it tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Cool, I just discovered you can label loops in AS3! Didn’t know that! (via @mknol & @flashfocus)