If I see those disgusting hacks people need to use to do ‘something cool’ in HTML5/CSS3,I can’t help but wonder what they’re trying to proof
Well, at least there’s Coca Cola.
Shopping with @lyntje. And not the fun kind :(
Here’s for hoping I’m wrong…
Okay, so having to build something (which I know how) bores me. Getting myself into an impossible challenge works… Let’s create this!
The sun’s rising… Let’s get some sleep, alright?
There will be a burden. There will be pain. Your life will never be what it was supposed to be. But you’ll be proud. It’s your calling.
If you can’t go in deeper into the rabbit hole, you need to build a higher wall around it…
@venom_be It seems somebody/some service is abusing your Twitter account. http://shots.nocreativit…