The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 28th, 2010

Some things just can’t be taught. Some things you can only learn by dedicating yourself and a big part of your life to it.

via Twitter for iPhone

@Dauntless Oh damn, dude. You’re quick as a cat! Thx ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Dauntless

Nvm, i got it… [Inspectable] is the answer…

via Twitter for iPhone

Hm, is there a way of getting autosuggestion in MXML for custom components? (like when you type ‘visible=’, it shows you ‘true’ and ‘false’)

via Twitter for iPhone

The Flex framework is flawed on so many levels, I almost can’t believe it. The latest find? Tooltips are added at stagelevel. Right… WTF?

via Twitter for iPhone

I’m not asking for a gazillion features. I just want a delightful user experience. Not one that makes me wanna kill myself.

via Twitter for iPhone

One day, I’ll start killing software engineers. Seriously, we optimize our hardware at an increasing pace, but software just stays crappy.

via Twitter for iPhone

‘Cause I shoot to thrill, and I’m ready to kill And I can’t get enough, and I can’t get my THRILL #acdc

via Twitter for iPhone

@a_cup_of_t Inception. Geen twijfel. (Ik heb hem al gezien en zou met gemak nog eens gaan :p Hij is *echt* *zo* goed ;) )

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to a_cup_of_t

Alright, all set up for this project. Let’s see if I still got it. But first: Dinner with the girlfriend!

via Twitter for iPhone

… copy/paste project files to a new project (since the old project was dead all of a sudden) and publish! #fail

via Twitter for iPhone

That was easy! Only needed to delete my Eclipse workspace, restart eclipse, redefine my Red5 debug server, …

via Twitter for iPhone

Dear Eclipse, I have created at least 20 working Red5 projects over the past months. Either stick to the routine or fuck off.Yours sincerely

via Twitter for iPhone

It takes an insane amount of dedication to get rid of old projects being published by Eclipse when trying to debug a new project.

via Twitter for iPhone

@thomasheylen Is je app volledig geinstalleerd? Van waar probeer je te connecten naar die server? (denk aan crossdomain shit)?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to thomasheylen

@thomasheylen Ben je zeker dat je Red5 server draait? Valt makkelijk te testen door naar http://naamvanjeserver:5… te surfen.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to thomasheylen

@thomasheylen rtmp://ipvanjeserver/appname of rtmp://computernaam/appname (als dat je vraag is toch)

via Echofon in reply to thomasheylen

Awake and well. If I wouldn’t know any better,I’d say the weather looks great and all but the fact is: this is Belgium. It sucks by default.

via Twitter for iPhone

@BeanedDream At least retweet my tweet, instead of posting as your own: (mine: , yours: )

via Twitter for iPhone

Yusuf.dream(Arthur.dream(Eames.dream(new Idea({company.split()});Saito.die().limbo(Cobb.get(Saito))return;)return;)return;) #developerMovies

via Twitter for iPhone

var name:String = “Vendetta”; trace(name.substring(0,1), “for”,name); #developerMovies

via Twitter for iPhone

Quite a few smart #developerMovies out there. Funny!

via Twitter for iPhone

safety Another heads-up: If you’ve received a DM promising you a free iPhone, that, like the iPad, indicates that your friends have been hacked.

via web (retweeted on 2:47 AM, Aug 28th, 2010 via web)