The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 11th, 2010

My guess is that 3.2.2/4.0.2 take care of Does anybody know?

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@YordiDreams Oh god… I feel like a disappointment already! :( (Maar merci ;) )

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@YordiDreams Don’t get your hopes up (too) high. ‘t Zal nie veel zot worden ze. Kga gewoon maken dat alles werkt en af is :p

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Found one of my old poems, published in a book. Wrote it about 2 years ago. It still works. It still feels like me.

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@YordiDreams Ja, hoor! Alles komt goe! Thanks! See you sometime soon!

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Ik biedt scherpere promotie! 3 voor de prijs van 1!! RT @toStephen: Te koop: herexamens, 1 betalen 2 halen! Iemand?

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I’m wondering if @Aral is doing stuff using Flash lately. Haven’t heard him tweeting about Flash projects for quite some time now… ;)

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Just upaded my WeFollow interests a bit. Now let’s leave that computer alone for a while…

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Done for now. Time to get some food, and set my mind to something different…

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Creating a simple layout for a little project. Been a while since I had fun like this.

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That Tweettrough rate is far from ‘insightful’. Your follower count influences the ‘rate’. Absolute numbers are more interesting here.

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