I am seriously starting to believe there’s something more than the scientific reality we see around us. Something spiritual… Somehow…
Oh wow. It’s amazing how a delighted guy can turn into a perfect jerk, just because he feels bad. Very uncool. I know.
Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
@thomasheylen Ik _denk_ dat da gewoon een pagina van de Red5 webserver is (tomcat). Zover ik weet is da nie belangrijk.(Red5 draait normaal)
What an amazing shot! RT @mesh: Picture : View of San Francisco from atop Adobe SF HQ : http://bit.ly/cVhEba
RT @1MD: Dollar ReDe$ign 2010 http://j.mp/c3uYax Obama on $1 (via @adsoftheworld)
ROFL :D RT @Format_: @MrBrightSky idd kwacht al jaren op draadloos bungeejumping!
@aral You bought a Magic Trackpad? What’s it like?Anything special?(seems a bit pointless to me,so I’m wondering what’s so special about it)
Same goes for Last.FM weekly top 3… RT @prplps: My Twifficiency is #dontCare. Don’t want to know what yours is! #bloodySpam
@kennyclement Hmm, you’re right. Pretty easy to overlook this, though…
And here’s how you can try it yourself! http://bit.ly/b0gIII (Note to self: Don’t you forget to do this once you’ve got some spare time!)
Ready to get your mind blown in 7 seconds? Enjoy! http://vimeo.com/14112279
@delegatevoid Yea, had that too at first. Had to start over once… And it’s pretty ‘boring’…Most of these things are ‘fun’ in some way…
twifficiency.com is a great example of what should NOT be done. It didn’t ask nor tell me it was going to post anything to my stream.
This is one of those projects that turn out to create a cool product! Will definitely put this live once it’s ready!
Come on! Just a few more lines of code before I can go to bed…