Sweeet! RT @thenerd_be: @noCreativity gewoon de facebook app installeren … en dan bij updates komt hij er plots bij
@thenerd_be Kijk ik erover? Kzie hem alvast nie in iPad apps staan…
joristi To the weed smoking kids wearing black hoodies:
You don’t have to try to look tough at me, I used to babysit your asses.
That is all.
That’s gotta suck! RT @engadget:UK server failure sends BlackBerry devices offline in Europe,the Middle East and Africa http://t.co/11Ex9KXb
Coolest thing I’ve come across last week: Freestyle game trailer - http://t.co/jCgQTWZH
@joristi Always worked okay for me… However… http://t.co/1Q7FgDgu
RT @BrunoByttebier: Always blame autocorrect, always ;-) http://t.co/UmzOJptB