Updates my iPhone and iPad to iOS 5. Liking it so far. Although it doesn’t feel that snappy…
Biting the bullet… Goodbye Jailbreak.
@decthomas @augustindebie Ah, yes! It won’t speed up; true. But it will be able to cope longer with more working data.
@decthomas @augustindebie Why not? I don’t quite understand. Anything I’m overlooking?
@decthomas @augustindebie Why wouldn’t you? If you run out of RAM in Cinema4D/After Effects, I’d say having 8GB more will be noticeable ;)
@AugustinDeBie If your machine can handle them (max RAM capacity) you’ll be fine :) More RAM = good!
@ilovethevegas Ik gebruik erg veel tweaks (5 icon dock, wifi select, sbsettings, veel toggles, email photo addon, etc, facetime op 3G, etc)
@ilovethevegas Kweenie hoe da gaat zijn zonder al die features. Maar kdenk da’k het toch eens ga proberen. ;)
Seriously considering not jailbreaking my iPhone anymore. I can’t imagine life without SBSettings though…
@mikehaugland Whoa! That sucks :/ Not the kind of things we experience in Belgium. Now your remark starts making more sense to me :)
@mikehaugland I guess it’s the same in Europa but I’d say traffic went up by a lot around 7-8-9PM. It would make sense to me.
@mikehaugland I honestly wouldn’t know. I am however impressed that ISPs have to up their limits to cope with the traffic.
Btw: That last tweet should be a warning for what will happen when iOS6 is released.
Well… RT @TheNextWeb: Demand for iOS 5 and iCloud was so high, Apple almost broke the Internet http://t.co/NLg51SdX by @m4tt on @TNWapple
Today is a bad day for human intelligence. Going from what I read and see online, the average IQ is taking a huge dive today.
It’s always big fun to point at 2.6 MILLION people and call them BLOODY IDIOTS: http://t.co/DkPZ1Qxy
Codeboy Ik heb een #topwijf #justsaying RT gerust als je er ook zo eentje hebt
Just a note: Did you have a heavy injury the last time you actually typed ‘Rest in peace’? Because seriously: ‘RIP’ looks very disrespectful
@QuaghM iPhone doe ik sowieso nie. iPad twijfel ik… Maar de untethered is nie ver weg… So I’d rather wait…
@QuaghM er is een tethered jailbreak maar kheb hem zelf nog nie gebruikt. Weet ook nie of ik erop ga springen eigelijk.