@joristi Alright! Doe maar. Ge weet de bel zijn ;)
@joristi Yea, afspraak aan mijn kot?
Getting there… http://t.co/SvG9LGFt
@thenerd_be Ziet der goe uit. Screenshots althans. Handig dagge zo’n apps maakt … Als docent ;)
RT @thenerd_be: My new Bluetooth #ios game just hit the AppStore - itun.es/iBw6mB I’ve got some free promocodes for RT (and lots of love :)
RT @aral: I love you! #siri http://t.co/PF6kJXRc
It’s awesome to be able to see if my friends are already at home, so I can head over. http://t.co/Ae12SnoL
@aral I’m very much impressed how you’re always able to get hold of a new iPhone on release day. No lines at your local Apple store? :p
@thenerd_be Ge krijgt daar toch altijd mails van x aantal dagen later? Of is’t nie da dagge zoekt?
RT @aral: Ah, I wish more apps understood this. #ux #siri http://t.co/DnIilObs
MurtenSaerbi Correct artikel, correcte mening. Mensen zouden zich beter bezig houden met hun eigen fouten op te lossen http://t.co/aV4yL65K
Of course “Find my friends” lacks every important aspect to be a social network. Because it isn’t intended to be a social network!
Wifi sync not working due to ‘Sync will resume once COMPUTER is available’? Connect iDevice to iTunes & check this box http://t.co/bVFaLXmg
Well, i guess the battery died… 4 years, 381 cycles… Battery health was still at 89% though… I thought I had another 2 years or so…
Looks like something’s up with my Macbook’s battery… http://t.co/3AZCVJkW